Supervision on his outings to Winnipeg and local beaches is relaxed and he is allowed to be moved to an unlocked ward at the hospital.įebruExperts recommend the board allow Li to be transferred to a Winnipeg hospital with an eye to moving him to a community group home.
The board rules Li can start with 30-minute visits and increase to full days. The board also says Li can be unescorted on the grounds of the mental hospital starting for 15 minutes at a time and working up to a full day.įebruLi is allowed to leave the mental hospital without an escort and visit Selkirk. Li is allowed to make supervised, full-day trips further afield to Lockport, Winnipeg and nearby beaches.
JIn the first of annual hearings into Li’s progress, the Criminal Code Review Board rules he can take walks on hospital grounds as long as he is escorted by two staff members. This is where 10 years ago on July 30, 2008, a man known then as Vince Li who was sitting next to McLean on Greyhound bus No. Li is sent to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre. the scene around a Greyhound bus about 20 kilometres west.

Anyhoo, I just saw the story about this Vince Li/Tim Mclean incident on Crime Beat. Judge John Scurfield rules Li did not appreciate that his actions were morally wrong and believed he was acting in self defence. Manitoba RCMP members surround a Greyhound bus that contained the body of Tim McLean and Vince Li, the man responsible for his death. People who have seen the crime scene have PTSD even from photos that. The Greyhound Bus Case: Vince Li and the death of Tim. Court hears Li believed God had told him to kill McLean or Li would face execution. The Greyhound Bus Case: Vince Li and the death of Tim Mclean. On July 30, 2008, Tim McLean was butchered and cannibalized by Vincent Li in a brutal and unprovoked attack that remains shocking to this day. MaLi is found not criminally responsible for the murder. Li beheads and mutilates McLean’s body as police and horrified passengers watch from the side of the road. JTim McLean, a 22-year-old carnival worker is sleeping on a Greyhound bus near Portage la Prairie, Man., when he is savagely stabbed to death by his schizophrenic seatmate Vince Li. WINNIPEG - A list of decisions made by the court and Criminal Code Review Board in the case of Vince Li: